Legends Bookstore, Cody, Wyoming

March 27, 2017

I tripped up on this little gem while I was wandering in a migraine induced fog Sunday. Even the nausea and the demons trying desperately to saw through my skull couldn’t keep me from pressing my face to the window and shielding the glass from the glare of the sun with my hand so I could peek inside. March is the off season in Cody, so they were closed on Sundays, but the rows of books and beautiful baubles were enough to give me something to look forward to seeing on Tuesday.

And Tuesday morning it didn’t disappoint. The shelves were filled with a careful selection of books and American made, handcrafted goods like fine leather bags, one of a kind greeting cards, lotions and candles. The first thing that caught my eye was a bookcase filled with the works of local authors like Craig Johnson and C.J. Box. (When there’s only one person per square mile, “local” means anything in a 300 mile radius, and these fellows set their works just on the other side of the Bighorn Mountains from Cody.) I was pressed for time, so I pushed on past a few magazines, a beautiful bunch of stationery and journals, a children’s section, a tempting little corner with a sofa and a couple of chairs, and what appeared to be a well-stocked coffee bar. Thirty minutes wasn’t nearly enough, but I did find a little book to take home to my hunny, Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke. I’ll let you know what I thought of it in a review some time soon.
